Lacking Motivation...

On the 8th of January was the start of demo to my kitchen. Now, we are finally getting to use our new beautiful kitchen!!!! This has been an interesting project- living without a kitchen, washing dishes in the bathroom sink, having a fridge in my living room, and going out for dinner daily. We are very excited to cook again :)Now what does that have to do with lacking motivation?With my house all disorganized and dusty it has been a challenge to find a comfortable place to get things done. At first I was frustrated but then I realized I am grateful for the mess. I am grateful for being able to remodel my kitchen to improve my living space.I know another major factor in being unmotivated is the weather. Everyone is getting a bit of cabin fever these days... Geeze, last week was a trial in patients!! We went from -25 to +50! Gotta love Chicago's weather mood swings!Hey now! Let's look on the bright side; we made it through January, the days are getting longer, and Spring is right around the corner!! We can do this... let's get our Motivativation on! Time to focus on the prize -> warm days and more sunshine!I encourage you to go around spreading cheer to help others get back on track as well.And by the way- I am still using 'Expansive' as my “theme word”If you have a fun/interesting fact or something exciting you'd like to share with me, please reply or send me your comments!I’d love to be inspired by you!! :)Thank You!xo,Sabrina