Enjoy being in moments

Ahhh… that MOMENT the sun peeks above the mountain.

Ahhh… that MOMENT the sun peeks above the mountain.

I took the time to open up my newest edition of Massage and Bodywork magazine. The Title of the Editor’s note caught my attention… “The Cup is Already Broken”. I was intrigued. Turns out it’s an old parable by Jack Kornfield. I had never heard of it so I began to read on. It's actually pretty profound. (as quoted from Massage and Bodywork magazine September/October 2020 Issue)

“You see this cup?” the master asks the student. “For me this cup is already broken. I enjoy it. I drink out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this cup on the shelf and the wind knocks it over or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say ‘Of Course.’ When I understand that the cup is already broken, every moment with it is precious.”

Of course there are several versions of this parable, so it might now be exact in its entirety, but at least it brings interest. 

This got me to think a bit deeper… especially with all the craziness that has the world upside down right now.

Stress. Anxiety. Fears. 

We all have them. Sometimes they’re even a combination of them all. 


Why do we make things up? I mean, why do we manifest these crazy things in our heads? Why are we always living in the future?

Think about it. Why are we living out these situations twice? SO there we are, all stuck inside our own heads. We create this horrible scenario, when in actuality these things never really come into our existence.

What if we just lived for today and not worry about what’s coming next? 

Yep. You’re saying, “easier said than done!” I do agree. It takes a degree of control and practice to let things go and live in the moment. I do it too! It. Takes. Work!

This is where “The Cup” story relates to our current situation.

Let me say, “Haven’t we learned anything through this shutdown?”

I think most of us have, at least the group I have talked to and associate with relating to this whole situation.

Let’s do this together, right now.

Just take a moment… to remember what we did. We had to be at home ALL the time. No activities to run off to or games to be at, we just made the best of our home life and spent quality time with those around us. We were “Present” to enjoy the time we had. The slowing down to enjoy activities we always said we would get to do but never had time to fit into our busy lives. There was tIme for board games, cleaning out closets, some belly laughs, and even snuggling up with a book. 

Oh yea, but I can sense what you’re saying to yourself right about now…

“There is still worry, fears, and illness underlying.” I know, I feel it too. But can you do me a favor, anytime you’re feeling strained, stressed, or completely out of control, to ‘remember the enjoyable moments you had while being present’. Bring back THOSE feelings more and more throughout your day. This is when stepping back from all the crazy to close your eyes and BREATHE is extremely important! 

Can you do this when you feel overwhelmed? 


Here’s your task:

Whenever you feel stressed or out of control. Take the people around you on your “Present Moment Journey” with you.

Now, everyone close your eyes… and BREATHE. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths.

Once you breathe and start to feel a sense of calm setting in, picutre and remember the good and happy times. Really feel goodness, happiness, and LOVE surround you.

Take as much time as you need. And hey! Enjoy yourself…

From my Loving Heart and Hands,

xo ~ Sabrina ~

If you’re looking for more self-care and relaxation techniques, comment below or send me a message.

Sabrina Schottenhamel


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